Smallworld Core Spatial Technology

GE Smallworld technology is for years leader in spatial information technology applications in energy, telecommunications, and communal systems. Today, users are less interested in GIS technology they will use for many years to develop their application solutions and are increasingly interested in systems that already have developed database models and standard applications for a specific business.

GE has, based on their own, as well as their partner's experience, and based on Smallworld technology, developed Smallworld Office solutions for these areas: water and drainage systems (Water Office – WO), telecommunications (Network Inventory – NI), electric energy distribution and transport (Electric Office – EO), gas (Gas Distribution Office – GDO and Gas Transmission Office – GTO).

GE Digital solutions

Physical Network Inventory - PNI

Physical Network Inventory is a geographical information system for documenting infrastructure locations of substations, underground routes, pipes, manholes, poles and aerial power line routes with an emphasis on documenting elements of a telecommunication network – dividers, cables, couplings and interconnections between network elements on the fiber level.

Gas Distribution Office - GDO

GE Smallworld Gas Distribution Office (GDO) is a solution that gives distribution companies a powerful and comprehensive data model specific to gas distribution, a set of geospatial applications, and analysis tools that are designed to integrate with existing processes.

Water Office

Water Office is a solution that offers global data models and a package of integrated applications which are developed for geospatial management of the entire network. Smallworld Water Office is a part of the integrated and adaptable Smallworld geospatial applications package which supports communal companies by providing maintenance and reporting tools for their water supply and drainage assets.

Mobile Enterprise Suite - MES

Mobile Enterprise Suite is an application for checking data from Smallworld systems on mobile tablet devices. It enables the input of outlined geometric data, better planning, property management, reporting and analysis.
GE MES is a solution for simplifying business processes, expediting business tasks execution, decreasing the number of databases for data management and creating preconditions for integrating applications that are used in business processes.

Electrical Office

Electrical Office is a verified, scalable solution that, through data quality and integrity, supports a completely integrated network model which provides a firm basis for network modernization and modeling. It is a smart solution for geospatial asset management which simplifies the data and infrastructure management workflow for today’s services during the entire lifecycle of the network assets.

GE Digital products

Geo Spatial Analysis - GSA

GeoSpatial Analysis is a new, exciting, and simple product of GE Energy. Smallworld GeoSpatial Analysis offers simple and efficient data access from different, distributed spatial and non-spatial systems. Data can be shared with the entire company and empower a wide range of users with visualization, query, analysis and reporting capabilities.
Smallworld GeoSpatial Analysis introduced the concept of business objects which link spatial and non-spatial information, maps, photos, documents and webpages in a unique and flexible way.

GeoSpatial Server - GSS

GeoSpatial Server is a tool that provides a SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) platform for different systems and business processes integration on Smallworld technology and associated applications. 
Smallworld GeoSpatial Server platform provides business services that can be standardized (e.g., GOC services WMS i WFS) or dedicated to different needs which enables the participation of Smallworld technology in business processes and their integration with other systems like SAP.